Issue #27: Cities, Self-Driving Cars and Future Work.

Hello hello hello! Hope you had a great summer break and the fall, despite the rain/floods, is off to your desired start. Loads to share, I’ll just get right to the goodness you came here for.



  • I got into cities this summer. Even the best piece of fiction I read - ’Exit West’ by Mohsin Ahmed - touched on cities, labels and a little fantasy. It’s a book for the times and, like his other bestseller ’How To Get Filthy Rich In Rising Asia’ is a reflective and human book for these (seemingly) inhumane times.

  • I’m working on a book on the future of cities and so I’ve been reading a lot of books about this organic thing we call a city. The better books I read include Aerotropolis by Kasarda and Lindsay (where I learned a lot about why Chicago’s O'Hare airport is where it is and why there isn’t a real third airport in the Chicagoland area), 'How Cities Work’ by Alex Marshall (with a focus on how the three legs of the city stool - politics, economics and transportation - shape the city), 'The Works: Anatomy of A City’ by Kate Ascher (a teardown of how The Big Apple actually works and what, beyond the people, makes it tick). I’ll share the classic reads on the city next time.

I’m pretty certain you have some great recommendations from your own summer readings, please share those! There’ll be a few issues between now and the end of the year, the monthly cadence won’t allow us get through the content in a decent time frame.

Have a great week!



Issue #29: Varuna, Career Advice, Peer Pairs, and The Problem With Podcasts.


Issue #26: Writing, Reputation and Future Work.